Legislative Updates

What Passed, What Did Not!

POSTED IN: Legislative Updates,

So the legislative session has come to an end in Missouri. Here is what passed and what didn’t.

What Passed

  • Caps.  A two-tiered cap system passed with a 1.7% annual inflator. Bill was signed by the Governor.
  • Board of Healing Arts. Bill allows the Board and other boards to issue non-binding opinions.  What this means is when a physician calls with a simple question about licensing, the Board can now answer it.
  • Medicaid managed care expansion.  Some and children under fee-for-service will be moved to managed cared.
  • Nurse and PA can now prescribe hydrocodone. They could always prescribe it when it was a schedule III but lost this ability when it was moved to a schedule II.

What Didn’t Pass

  • Prescription drug monitoring.  Same hold up as before.  The Senator that is against this tried to pass his own version which was a bad bill which also did not pass.
  • Epipens. Would have allowed restaurants and amusement parks to stock them.
  • Expert witness. Would have changed the standard to align with federal standards
  • Cannabidiol. Would have expanded who could prescribe it and for what disorders. Other medical marijuana bills also did not pass.
  • Helmet repeal. Passed the House but died in the Senate.
  • Car safety bills. Bill to increase seat belt fine failed as did bill to extend no texting and driving to people over 21